We are proud to have sold far more than 100.000 machines in the last 30/40 years. Many are still in the market in good working condition and we are still carrying parts for service. The machines keep even after many years their value and used Turbovac have a good reputation.
We have to refer you to one of our local dealers for the prices of our machines. We cannot sell the machines directly because the machines last a long time and will need service and maintenance. If you want to get more information about our local dealers, please fill in our contact form.
We are very interested to get in touch with enthusiastic potential dealers to represent our company and our machines in the market worldwide. That could be for the whole or a part of the product range. We are especially looking for dealers with experience and a market for the tray sealers and thermoformers and who are able to service these machines. Please fill in the distributor form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
You may download the manuals from the this website. For technical information you may contact our service department for questions.
The vacuum bag is sealed closed by a heating wire.
  • A seal with one seal wire is called ” single seal”.
  • Most common is the double seal which provides 2 seals for extra security.
With a “trenn seal” one wire will seal the bag and the other heating wire will almost melt off the remainder off the bag. By pulling the remainder off the bag will have a nicer appearance. Also possible product that might be left in the remaining plastic is removed for better hygiene. Bi-active seal is especially used for very thick bags, mostly aluminium lined bags.
Products with a high water content like soups and sauces need special care since at a lower air pressure (vacuum) the liquid will start to evaporate quickly, a process which looks like boiling but at a lower temperature than 1000C. This will not cook the product (because of the low temperature) but dry it out, loose moisture and may spatter out of the bag, soiling the machine and package. A special H2O program on the control unit will exactly measure this “boiling” point, which is also the point at which vacuum is reached and all the air is out of the package, and seal the bag. Additionally the moisture will not be collected in the oil of the vacuumpump which would increase the oil changes.
Some products cannot be packaged under vacuum but may better packaged by replacing the air by an inert gas like Nitrogen (N2), Carbondioxide (Co2) or Oxygen (O2) to increase shel life bit als appearance. The suppliers of the gas are experts and can give  advice which gas or gas mixture is best suitable for the product to be packed.
Soft air is an option on the sensor controlled machine that slowely brings the airpressure in the machine back to atmospheric level. This allows the plastic to wrap and stretch around sharp edges of the product wich might otherwise puncture the plastic bag. This option might later on be added on a 10 program sensor controlled machine.
Turbovac has dealers in almost 80 countries. Please check with our sales department for a local dealer for information about the Turbovac machines and for service and parts. E-mail sales@turbovc.nl or call  +31 (0)73 6 271 201
Our machines last a very long time and we keep many parts in stock so there is a good chance we still can help you out.
The Turbovac vacuum machines are reliable and durable and don’t need much maintenance. Teflon tape and the seal wire of the seal beam are typical wear and tear parts which can easily and quickly be replaced. The oil of the vacuum pump has to be replaced at certain intervals to guarantee good vacuum and a long life time of the pump. The control unit has a build in service intervention counter based on running hours or cycles. The indication signals ahead of time at the start up of the machine when the service intervention has to be planned and you may want to contact your dealer.
The model and serial number are important when calling for service. You may find the  sticker on the right side of the machine, in some case on the back.
Daily cleaning the machine with regular cleaning materials and detergents is necessary for maintaining good hygienic practices. The machines are designed for easy cleaning and some parts like sealing bars or silicon beams an be removed. The Teflon tape on the seal beams will eventually wear off and can easily be replaced by new Teflon tape.
Over time the heating wires may have to be replaced by your dealer. The pump will need an oil change after about 6 months regular use to maintain a good vacuum. The vacuum pump has a special filter that may have to be changed if the machines starts to emit fumes with oil. Eventually the rubbers that keep the vacuum chamber airtight may wear out and cause leaks. These are all regular wear and tear items. Otherwise you may expect the machine to last a long time without major repair or maintenance costs.
You may download the manuals from the tis website. For technical information you may contact our service department for questions or fill in the request form.

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